Manufacturer Part# / Cross Reference Search

Please use this search function to find READY die set components that are equivalent to commonly used pins, bushing, ISO Springs, and Gas Springs from other manufacturers. Please Note: We believe this cross reference to be accurate. Please review the specifications to ensure the item will work in your application. Gas Spring equivalents were based on body dimensions, on contact force and stroke length.

  • Designed to produce over 500,000 parts per year
  • Standard CB1 87° Rocker angle produces consistent 90° bends in mild steel
  • Many Standard lengths and Rocker diameters available
  • Hardened (Rc 48-52) A2 Tool Steel Saddle with counter-bored mounting holes installed
  • S7 Tool Steel Full Hardened (Rc 56 to 62) Rocker for long life
  • Standard models are stocked for fast delivery
  • 3D CAD models available
Unit of Measure



  1. Rockers: fully hardened (Rc 56 to 62), S-7 tool steel.
  2. Saddles: fully hardened,(Rc 48 to 52) A-2 tool steel. Counterbored mounting holes per patterns. Flush mount lube fittings.
  3. Rockers and saddles are CNC ground for precision and interchangeability.
  4. Rocker angle is 87º on all standard benders. This allows for 3º of overbend to produce consistent 90º forms in mild steel. Harder steel or larger part radii may require more overbend. Rocker angles can be specified at time of order or altered by the diemaker.


Rocker Diameter

N/A 1.000 in

Part Thickness (PT)

N/A 0.043 to 0.075 in
Part Height Check (PH)1 N/A 0.390 in

In Stock Length (X)

N/A 6.000 in

Minimum Length

N/A 1.500 in

Maximum Length (X)

N/A 24 in

Saddle Width (SW)

N/A 2.875 in Saddle-Width.jpg

Saddle to Front (SF) Width

N/A 1.125 in Saddle-to-Front.jpg

Saddle to Key (SK) Width

N/A 1.750 in Saddle-to-Key.jpg

Saddle Height (SH)

N/A 1.375 in Saddle-Height.jpg

Gib Length (GL)

N/A 1.500 in Gib-Length.jpg

Rocker Angle

N/A 87 º


N/A 19 to 14 gauge

Product Code


Rocker Dimensions

Rocker Dimension (B)

N/A 0.339 in a1490.jpg

Rocker Dimension (C)

N/A 0.312 in

Rocker Dimension (J)

N/A 0.393 in



N/A Tapped mounting holes available as specials.
For metric mounting holes, ready high production benders


Length Style


Dimension (B)

N/A 3.000 in

Dimension (C)

N/A 2.645 in

Dimension (D)

N/A 1.500 in

Dimension (E)

N/A 1.476 in

Dimension (F)

N/A 0.846 in

Socket Head Cap Screw Dimensions

N/A 1/4 in

Mounting Diagram

Ready CC and DD Length Style High Production Standard Lenght Bender
  • 1 To use standard benders, PH should exceed these dimensions. Fax prints for specials.